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Who invented CFL bulb? Answered|| About CFL,its evolution and its pros & cons!!

Who invented CFL bulb? The answer is Edward E. Hammer. A very common question, ha? Let us discover the engineer!! The compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) was invented by an engineer named Edward E. Hammer. He is actually a well-known researcher in the field of fluorescent lighting. The engineer is known to have a decent knowledge of optical science. Moreover, he is known to contribute 90% of his life in it. Inventing and discovering new technologies and methods. Being an IEEE medal winner. He had notably contributed a lot. In the respective fields of incandescent, fluorescent and HID lights. Coming to the compact fluorescent lamps specifically. Hammer tried to make them only during a power crisis. That originally dates back to the year 1970. The forty-year-old engineer decided to tackle the situation. As it has been said, "Necessity is the mother of every invention". Hammer invented the CFL only during that. It was all the results of his knowledge